Stack Builder


Catch errors and enforce code styles.


Use Anthony Fu's configuration

Anthony Fu's ESLint Configuration

npx @antfu/eslint-config@latest

Downversion to ESLint 8.57.0

ESLint 9 is installed by default, which as of writing is still buggy and incompatible with many plugins.

npm i -D eslint@8

Install eslint-plugin-format if it's missing in package.json.

npm install -D eslint-plugin-format

The commands need to be run in order for the rest of the packages to be installed.

npm run lint; npm run lint:fix; npm run lint:inspect

Your entire project will be linted and fixable errors will be fixed.

You should also see a browser tap open up with the address localhost:7777. This is the ESLint Config Inspector, which is only available for flat ESLint configs, like the one we just configured.

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